As a reminder, if your student has a smart watch, it is preferred that they keep it in their backpack. If you need to get a message to your student, please call the main office at 512-414-2327.
Zilker Elementary School
As a reminder, if your student has a smart watch, it is preferred that they keep it in their backpack. If you need to get a message to your student, please call the main office at 512-414-2327.
Back to School Night will take place on the following days:
Thursday, September 5
Pre-K: 5:00-5:30
Kindergarten: 5:30-6:00
1st Grade: 6:00-6:30
2nd Grade: 6:30-7:00
Thursday, September 12
3rd Grade: 5:00-5:30
4th Grade: 5:30-6:00
5th Grade: 6:00-6:30
As a reminder, this events is for adults only!
The Campus Advisory Council is a committee of teachers, administration, parents, business and community representatives, and other campus staff. The mission of CACs is to promote excellence in education for all students through broad-based representation.
CACs provide valuable input to principals, who ultimately have decision-making responsibility for their campuses. Our CAC meets monthly via Zoom to discuss what is going on campus and looking into the future of our school. This group provides feedback and voice for school. If you are interested in joining, please fill out this form!
We keep a variety of extra clothes in the nurse's office in case of accidents, spills, etc.
We are currently running low on extra clothing and would appreciate any clothing donations. Please bring your donations in to the Front Office.
AISD has implemented a new ID scanning software. Since this is a new system, any previously saved ID information did not rollover. This means that every adult will have to bring their ID and re-scan it upon their first visit to campus during the school year. We appreciate your patience as we implement this new system.
AISD is providing sessions over various topics which provide valuable information and support regarding Special Education and 504 services. Click here to learn more!
We are excited to announce that our school is now using Voly, a new volunteer management system! If you are interested in volunteering on campus, please visit to complete a quick background check.
This process is required for all volunteers, field trip chaperones, etc. and will help us ensure a safe and secure environment for our students. Thank you for your support and participation!
This year we do not have a school supply list. In an effort to ease the burden on families and enhance teacher individual needs, we simply have one single supply/activity fee that will be used this year for student supplies, field trips, etc.
Please also consider making a donation to a child in need.
You can pay via cash, check, or online in our school store.
The Zilker Merch Store is open! We are excited to welcome you back for the 2024-2025 school year!
Shop now for water bottles, hats, NEW kid tees, adult tees, and yard signs to show your Panther Pride!
If you have any questions, please email
Join the PTA for the 2024-2025 school year!
The number of paying members shows our level of community involvement to the Superintendent, AISD, and other parties who can influence district and state budgets. Every member counts! The simple act of joining the PTA increases our collective voice locally and on the national PTA stage. It's also a great way to stay informed about what's happening at school, and connect in meaningful ways with other parents. Together we can do a lot of good. Join us!