Wooten Elementary School
General Enrollment opens on April 1st. Click on the link below for more information. You may also contact Ms. Cazares, school registrar or Mr. Murillo, P.S.S. at (512)414-2315 for assistance.
3/24: Attendance Matters Workshop in the Community Room 21A at 9AM (English with Spanish interpretation). You must attend if you received a notification from us.
3/24: 5th Grade Promotion Ceremony 3:30PM in the cafeteria
3/26: *STAAR Practice for 3rd-5th
3/26: Austin ISD Tools For Success- SAFE— Empowering Families, Preventing Abuse in the Community Room with Mr. Murillo (9AM English) (1PM Spanish) Door Prizes!!
3/37: *STAAR Practice for 3rd-5th
3/28: *STAAR Practice for 3rd-5th
3/28: Shelter (Hazmat) Drill *Subject to change
3/28: Cap & Gown Pictures for 5th graders *Tentative
3/28: Breakfast of Champions (Parents will be notified by 3/24
*Students in 3rd-5th grade are highly encouraged to be here on those testing dates. Please do not schedule appointment on the 26th and 27th.
My name is Pedro Murillo. I am the Parent Support Specialist at Wooten Elementary. I have 20 years of experience working with AISD as a teacher. This is my third year as a Parent Support Specialist. I enjoy the opportunity to be the liaison between families, the school and the community. I firmly believe that a strong partnership between the three leads to successful students.
Contact Information:
(512)414-2315 Ex: 52194 pedro.murillo@austinisd.org
I invite you to come watch these informative Tool for Success session in the community room. See the flyer below for time and dates. Contact Mr. Murillo at pedro.murillo@austinisd or (512)414- 2315 Ex: 51294 if you have any questions.
Community Resources/Recursos comunitarios
Dear families,
This week has been a great opportunity for us to practice March’s character trait of Cooperation, “working together to reach shared goals.” Last Friday, several 4th and 5th graders presented a group project at our host school, Webb Middle School. It was organized, relatable, and rehearsed - they did a great job working together! Through the windy days, we helped each other stay safe. In counseling lessons, students identified what it means to stick together.
Review Cooperation as a family! This week, plan a time where everyone needs to work together to accomplish a shared goal like cleaning up the space you live in or making a meal together. Make sure everyone has a role to play with specific tasks. When the project is complete, discuss and celebrate how each person’s part was important to the end result.
The Character Strong program is not just for fun. It is a district-wide initiative to help students develop, not just academically, but as a whole. Austin ISD’s SEL/CP&I office (Social Emotional Learning/Culturally Proficient and Inclusive) has particular goals for our children’s learning. See the chart below for a look at their framework. This month’s Cooperation easily fits into Relationship Skills, which connects to Collaborative Problem-Solving. Cooperation is also related to Responsible Decision-Making and Social Awareness.
As always, don’t hesitate to contact me with any questions, concerns or suggestions:
Como siempre, no duden en comunicar conmigo por cualquiera pregunta, preocupación o sugerencia:
Brianna Higgins, LMSW
Front Office
(512) 414-2315; ext 73934
Food distribution every third Thursday of the month at the Webb Family Resource Center at 601 E. St. John Ave. Call (512)414-4345 for more information.
St. Louis Catholic Church's food pantry provides food assistance to the community every Saturdays from 8:30 a.m. to 10:30 a.m., please bring your own bags. This is a drive thru distribution, stay in your vehicle and line up behind other cars.
El Buen Samaritano Food distribution every Tuesday and Thursday